31 October 2023

Your listed property: Weathering winter

By Julie Talbot Insurance Advisor
Snow-covered thatched timber frame cottage

Your listed property: Weathering winter

Now the clocks have gone back and the evenings are getting ever darker, there’s one other thing we know is on the horizon – the temperature dropping. And at points, this may fall way below freezing.

We’re all well aware of the many precautions to keep ourselves warm and sheltered from the harsh temperatures – hats, scarves and gloves etc, but there are things you can do to help your listed property weather this winter too.

Snow covered street in Kensington

Like our bodies, our homes perform better with a consistent temperature. Keeping your home at a mild temperature is also commonly a requirement on your listed home insurance policy. The exact temperature will differ from insurer to insurer, but the lowest we’ve seen is 12 degrees celsius. We’d recommend checking your policy if your home is known to get cold often.

But how does keeping the temperature consistent help?

Maintaining a level of warmth in your home is a precautionary measure that can stop some problems in their tracks. Listed buildings aren’t known for their draft-proof windows or double glazing and often suffer from condensation. Keeping your home warm will ease this. This in turn helps to stop the build-up of dampness and mould in your home.

We understand that maintaining a consistent temperature in the colder months in a listed property is sometimes easier said than done. Historic properties often come with quirks many modern homeowners may never have to consider – big keyholes in doors, stone floors, large fireplaces, and heat escaping from places you might not expect! We’ve put a few tips together to help make your listed property more energy efficient and keep the temperature consistent.

Traditional wood burning stove in brick fireplace
Cleaning debris from guttering

What else can I do?

We’d recommend keeping a visual check on your property leading up to and throughout the winter months – it’s far easier to sort a problem when spotted early.

For example, if a tap is dripping, get it fixed to stop the problem from escalating. A dripping tap could lead to a frozen pipe that goes on to burst. A visual check can prevent a much bigger issue.

The same goes for looking over your roof regularly. Check for any gaps in the insulation from the inside and any loose tiles or irregularities in the thatch from the outside. Stopping damp getting in early could prevent a flood or damp issue in the future.

In the case of a storm being forecast…

If a storm is forecast where you live and you have time to safely do so, we’d recommend more visual checks around the outside of your home.

Start in the garden – is there anything around that could be put away securely? Garden furniture, children’s toys etc. Then move inside and check all the windows. Are they all shut securely including any skylights?

The next couple of checks are best to do well ahead of a storm.

We’d recommend regularly checking any trees surrounding your home are in good health and don’t have any branches that could, in strong wind, touch and cause damage to your listed property. If you’re in doubt a specialist will be able to advise you.

Trees can impact your home and your listed property insurance, even outside of a storm or bad weather. You can find out how trees on your land impact your home insurance here.

Snow covered tree in garden, near to building

Guttering and drains are another area to keep a close eye on – especially if the weather is predicted to be extremely wet or if a storm is on the way. Keeping these clear helps water to drain away from your property in a timely manner. Even if you’ve never had a flood before, one could happen in a really heavy downpour if water pools and is unable to drain, so it’s best to always prepare your property.

We’ve detailed just a few ways to protect your property from the elements this winter, and each listed property comes with its own quirks that need safeguarding in their own ways. But one way all listed homeowners can protect the listed property in their care is by ensuring the home insurance is up to the job.

‘Off the shelf’ insurance, especially from comparison sites, may not factor in all the nuances that make your home as special as it is, and in the event of a claim or total loss your policy, may leave you without the means to restore your home to what it was.

Ahead of this winter season, we’d recommend you check your policy adequately covers you for any bad weather we may have.

What’s more, we’d recommend that when it’s time to renew your listed home insurance, if you don’t already, work with a specialist broker who truly understands your needs.

At Abode we’ve been insuring listed properties for over 20 years and our specialist advisors are always happy to talk to listed property owners.  For expert advice or to speak to get a quote, please contact the team on 01622 476433 or click here.

We look forward to helping you and your listed property get through winter and far beyond.

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