26 October 2023

Protecting your home from top to bottom: Listed property historic restoration insurance in the Cotswolds

By Vikki Rushbrook Insurance Advisor
Traditional Cotswolds limestone cottages

Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Cotswolds are historic properties that stand as living testaments to a bygone era. These architectural gems are a treasure trove of history and character, with their honey-hued stone walls and charming thatched roofs.

Owning such a property in the Cotswolds means becoming a guardian of a legacy, and it comes with a unique set of responsibilities.

In the Cotswolds, restoration isn’t merely a choice; it’s a necessity. The region’s recognisable architecture, often requires specialist care and attention.

The Cotswold climate, with its gentle rains and occasional harsh winters, along with the abundant greenery and proximity to water sources which contribute to humidity levels, can take a toll on the structural integrity of these properties.

The need for skilled artisans who understand the nuances of traditional construction methods is paramount.

This is something Cotswold homeowners are well-acquainted with and often consider when investing in restoration and insurance.

Village in the Cotswolds

The role of historic restoration insurance

Restoring and preserving a listed property in the Cotswolds is a labour of love. It requires more than just financial investment – it demands a commitment to maintaining the integrity of the past while preparing for the future. This is where Historic Restoration insurance from Abode steps in as your trusted partner.

Cover for structural restoration

Listed properties often need meticulous restoration and the Cotswolds’ particular charm lies in its traditional construction methods. Our insurance ensures your property is covered for structural damages, including its historical features.

Safeguarding priceless contents

Within the walls of your Cotswold home lies a collection of invaluable contents – antiques, artworks, period furnishings — each with a story to tell. Our insurance extends its protective embrace to these treasures, safeguarding them against unexpected events.

With frequent visits from admirers and guests, it’s crucial to be prepared for mishaps. Our insurance can cover you for this.

Alternative accommodation

If your traditional Cotswold abode becomes uninhabitable due to damage, our insurance offers cover for temporary accommodation, ensuring that your lifestyle and routine isn’t disrupted.

Restoring heritage, ensuring protection

Historic restoration insurance from Abode serves as your guardian in this preservation journey.

Beyond covering structural damages, contents protection, liability, and alternative accommodation, our insurance solutions understand the distinctiveness of the Cotswolds region.

Facing unforeseen challenges

Our insurance protects against the present and extends to the consequences of unauthorised alterations by previous owners, offering you comprehensive coverage.

Conclusion: A legacy preserved, a future secured

Protecting your listed property in the Cotswolds is about more than just safeguarding bricks and mortar; it’s about upholding a heritage. At Abode, we’re  committed to providing you with the cover you need to maintain e your property’s historical significance and ensure its longevity.

Preserving a Cotswold property is not just about protecting the past; it’s also building for the future. Abode Insurance empowers you to continue your journey as a guardian of the Cotswolds’ heritage, ensuring that your cherished residence stands the test of time.

With our deep-rooted understanding of the Cotswolds and its unique challenges, we offer more than just insurance; we offer peace of mind. Contact us today to embark on a seamless insurance experience tailored to the specific needs of your listed property.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between historic restoration insurance and regular homeowners' insurance?

Historic restoration insurance is specifically tailored to address listed properties’ particular risks and needs, including cover for structural restoration, content protection, and more.

Can I get insurance for ongoing restoration projects on my listed property?

Our insurance offers cover for ongoing restoration work, providing peace of mind during the preservation process.

How do you determine the property's value of antiques and historical artefacts?

We collaborate with specialist valuers with expertise in evaluating historical and artistic items to ensure accurate coverage.

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