3 February 2022

New Fire Alarm Laws - Scotland

By Abode Insurance
new fire alarm laws in Scotland

All homes in Scotland are now required by law to install more robust protection against fire.

As of February 2022, interlinked heat and fire alarms are now required in all properties. Interlinked alarms provide greater protection, as when one alarm is activated, the entire system will go off, making it more likely residents will be alerted to the potential danger within their homes.

The new Scottish fire alarm law requirements from February 2022

All homes in Scotland are now required to have:

  • A smoke alarm in the living room or most used room in the property
  • A smoke alarm in all landing areas or hallways
  • A heat alarm in the kitchen

All required smoke and heat alarms must be ceiling-mounted and interlinked. They must also use tamper-proof batteries or be mains wired.  Alarms that use replaceable batteries no longer meet legal requirements and will nullify your listed property insurance.

Alongside the above-mentioned alarms, properties with carbon fuelled appliances including a boiler or heater flue must have a sealed-battery carbon monoxide detector. These do not have to be interlinked with the fire and heat alarms.

The technical requirements for the new fire alarms mentioned above must meet the following standards:

  • Smoke alarms                                        BS EN14604:2005
  • Heat alarms                                           BS 5446-2:2003
  • Carbon monoxide detector    British Kitemark EN 50291-1

How much time do I have to update the fire alarms in my home so they meet the new requirements?

The new fire alarm law came into effect on 1st February, 2022. Whilst this is the law’s start date, there is a “reasonable period” of flexibility built in to allow homeowners time to make any necessary changes to update their alarms as necessary.

Because the changes in the fire alarm laws have been done so with improving safety and continuing to save lives as the main priority, the sooner you are able to make these changes, the better it will be for all concerned.

What happens if I cannot afford to make the changes so my home complies with the new Scottish fire alarm laws?

If you are a pensioner or have a disability and feel you may struggle to pay for any new alarms needed, the Scottish government is providing funding through Care and Repair Scotland and recommend you contact your local Care and Repair service.

Responsibilities for Property Owners

The responsibility to ensure homes have properly installed and maintained alarms falls to the property owner. The estimated cost for an average three-bedroom house to comply with the rules is £220.

For more information about the changes to the law, please click here.

And for residents not living in Scotland, you may also find helpful to read our other article on the importance of smoke detectors.

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